Welcome to Industry 4.0 with Industries eXcellence


Written by Admin EngIndX

The world is changing, racing forward on a digital fast-track that will transform the way we live, work and communicate. The manufacturing sector is no exception. We are in the midst of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, or Industry 4.0, which offers a new vision for the future through Internet of Things (IoT)-enabled machines, data-driven simulation and innovative intelligence networks. Our Industries eXcellence team’s mission is to make this new future of industry possible through digital transformation. By combining our industry knowledge, technical expertise and the power of these ground-breaking technologies, we help industrial organizations worldwide achieve manufacturing and supply chain excellence in the digital era. Welcome to Industry 4.0!

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The greatest leaps in human history were forged from the fires of industrial transformation. Industrial Revolutions have changed the way we live, work and communicate, creating new economic opportunity, improving standards of living and reimagining what is possible in government, education, healthcare and commerce. The First Industrial Revolution came by steam and water. The Second Industrial Revolution was powered by electricity. The Third Industrial Revolution came with the computer age. It is happening again. This is the Fourth Industrial Revolution, of scope and speed which have never been seen before. It is connecting, people, machines and systems. It is creating intelligent networks and blurring the lines between the physical and virtual worlds. There is no stopping it. We must embrace it, harness its power to drive progress and claim our stake in what the future will look like. Welcome to Industry 4.0. Welcome to Industries eXcellence.

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