Transaction Information Requests with Movilitas.Cloud


Written by Admin EngIndX

Movilitas.Cloud is a next-generation Software-as-a-Service cloud-based software developed by Engineering Industries eXcellence. Movilitas.Cloud helps industrial enterprises digitally serialize, track and trace their products worldwide and across their supply chain networks while ensuring compliance with applicable regulations and industry-specific standards. In this video, learn how to fulfill Transaction Information (TI) requests from distributors using Movilitas.Cloud. When dispensers initiate TI requests, businesses can leverage Movilitas.Cloud’s cutting-edge platform to access critical product information, such as serial numbers, supplier details and warehouse storage locations, and share it simply and securely through email.

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Full Video Transcript

In this demo, we're going to show a TI trace request initiated by the dispenser. The dispenser has a product and defines the color. The dispenser is represented by Systec and they will actually send a TI request by e-mail to the distributor which is represented by Movilitas.Cloud. Movilitas.Cloud will respond by e-mail back to the distributor and will also inform the distributor from who they bought it, in this case NexaMed Pharma represented by TraceLink. What we will show in this demo is the communication between Systec as a requester and Movilitas.Cloud as a responder to a TI trace request. VitaCore Distribution is a tenant on the Movilitas.Cloud platform. They're using the serialized logistics applications and what they need to do under settings is define the e-mail address in which they would like to receive the request. Because we're on the test system, they're using the request and the square test. On the production, the test is of course removed. The second thing is that they can actually define what their identifiers are for the response because when we receive a request, we automatically check if the requester is who they say they are. We have set up the e-mail address so we can receive an e-mail. Systec is going to send an e-mail and we can actually then go to the Reports and Analysis tool under the DSCSA. We find the trace request and this is what we will receive for all the emails that provide adjacent file in the e-mail. We can see there is a request coming in that we have not responded to. We can click on it and immediately see the product and serial number, and it's immediately doing a trace in our system. We can see where we bought it from, what we received, who we sold it to and if we're happy with that, just click on the response button where we will send an email back. In this case, you can see to DCS tracing to the Systec email address that was actually in the request itself. The mail has been sent successfully. We record that it was actually sent the 15th of March to that particular e-mail address and with that, we concluded that we have responded to the request and this is a copy of the mail. If you open up the file that is attached to the e-mail, you can take a look at the response that we're providing back here. We see all the information like where we bought it from and where we sold it to. We also see in the transaction statement that everything is according to the FDA and that we're dealing with authorized trading partners. This is the full response that can be uploaded into the Systec system, that way they have fulfilled their request.

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