Written by Jason McDonald

Nov 5, 2014

Engineering has recently started working with one of the largest beverage bottling companies in the world to deliver the training to support the installation and rollout of a massive SPC and Quality Control hardware and software solution across the corporation’s 79 U.S. plants.

Through dynamic hands-on teaching at each bottling facility, our consultants will provide one-on-one training for each and every production operator in order to help him or her understand the new requirements of the new software system. Engineering will also help ensure a standard training solution that is the same across the entire scope of the rollout.

Furthermore, over the next two years of this project, we will branch out into integrating all gauging equipment at each plant, creating and delivering remote instructional videos for all 79 sites, and helping ensure a flawless integration with all current hardware on the floor with the latest iterations of their newest software.

As we continue to expand our scope of expertise and integrate ever newer and more pieces of equipment and software from each plant for this customer, our company expects this to become an ongoing project and lasting partnership for years to come.