Written by Chris Wunderly

Feb 6, 2013

After configuring SPC projects last month for a local automotive manufacturing company in Virginia, we followed up this month with configuring their DMS/DCS for data integration.

For those not familiar with the product, it is a Statistical Process Control (SPC) system that tracks critical quality data in real time.  DMS/DCS is a component that collects data and automatically sends it to the database. While there are many different ways of collecting data, for this project the goal was to obtain output directly from the equipment being used to test the quality of the parts being produced. Each test machine will output a CSV file into a network folder, where the system can parse the file and map it to the appropriate database table.

Each machine outputs a different format, which requires a slightly different configuration for each of the machines. Working closely with our client in Virginia, we were able to nail down the requirements and get to work. After completion of all the requirements we provided a demo and training on how the component works.

Training is possibly one of the most important things we do here at Engineering. Technology can empower business with the tools needed for profitability, however, without the proper understanding it has limited value. This is why we provide the level of support that we do for our customers.

With SPC and data collection in place, our client will be able to make informed and timely decisions about their manufacturing process. They will be able to spot issues much more quickly than they have in the past and know where and when those issues are occurring. They will be able to trace quality issues to specific lots, machines, and shifts. Prior to integrating the system, the turnaround time on information could be as much as four days. With this IT solution it happens in real time.