Connecting Manufacturing and the Shop Floor


Written by Admin EngIndX

Shop Floor Connect for Teamcenter (PLM Software) is an application addon for Teamcenter software that delivers critical production information directly to the shop floor (CNC machine controller).

More than just a traditional DNC system, the connection to the centralized Teamcenter database avoids data duplication and manages revisions to make sure the correct manufacturing data is used during production. It also enables your production staff to access current and released CNC programs, drawings, 3D models and other data sources through a web-based user interface that runs on any browser enabled device or controller.

Shop Floor Connect Functionality

  • Download and upload NC data and tool target data to/from NC controllers
  • Upload shop floor programmed NC programs in Teamcenter
  • Upload and administer machine parameters in Teamcenter to ensure security
  • Connect to all types of NC controllers and tool pre-setters
  • Connect through a serial (with adapter hardware) or Ethernet interface at the NC controller
  • View all Teamcenter manufacturing information via a browser based interface

Connection to Teamcenter

Shop Floor Connect for Teamcenter is an application that communicates directly with Teamcenter, Siemens PLM Software’s comprehensive system for managing product life-cycle management (PLM) data and processes from design and engineering through production.

Teamcenter provides an environment that you can use to manage product and process definitions, data files and resources. It maintains workflows and roles for users who work in process chains, as well as tracking capabilities for monitoring document revisions and release status.

Unlike traditional direct numerical control (DNC) systems, Teamcenter eliminates the need for an independent shop floor database; its data remains within a controlled environment until it is sent to the machine tool.

Shop floor users can see the source data while it remains inside Teamcenter’s managed environment. Data files needed for production can be pulled directly to the point of use in a controller or presetter.

By providing the shop floor with direct access to the source of manufacturing plan via a simple web browser interface, Shop Floor Connect for Teamcenter facilitates many benefits, including:

  • Use of the correct manufacturing data in production
  • Fewer production errors
  • Fewer shop floor delays while data is checked
  • Closer connection between manufacturing engineering and production
  • Secure workflow and process flow
  • Elimination of local shop floor databases outside of the IT infrastructure
  • Transparency to all users
  • Reduced paperwork
  • Quicker, more flexible information flows
  • Lower product rejection rate

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