Achieve Europe’s Battery Passport Requirements


Written by Admin EngIndX

What is the EU Battery Passport?

The upcoming EU Battery Passport Directive is one initiative that is part of the EU Circular Economy Action Plan and EU Green Deal. Under this directive, producers and importers of batteries to the EU will have to provide a Digital Product Passport (DPP), a digital document that provides information about a battery's environmental footprint, material origins, durability, repairability and recyclability. The regulation covers large batteries above 2 kWh, mainly with transport, industrial and electric vehicle (EV) applications, among others. This will make battery production more sustainable and give consumers comparable information when they are deciding between alternatives in a purchase decision. The EU Battery Regulation is the first product legislation encompassing the entire life cycle with the aim to ensure batteries are sustainable, circular and safe.

Requirements for the EU Battery Passport

Each Battery Must Be Unique

Batteries must be uniquely identified and have a QR code to retrieve and verify relevant information.

Current & Accurate Information

Digital Battery Passport information must be accurate, complete and up-to-date for all operators storing data or performing functions.

Proven Material Sourcing

Material sourcing information and origins are required and empowers users to make informed, sustainable and transparent choices.

Carbon Impact Must Be Measured

A breakdown of carbon released at each lifecycle stage must be measured to track carbon footprints.

Circularity of Materials

Safety information must be provided for recyclers and refurbishers to reduce waste and ensure secure battery disassembly.

Available Performance Information

Battery capacity, estimated lifetime and efficiency expressed as a ratio of output to input energy must be detailed.

Engineering’s Expertise

Engineering Industries eXcellence has broad technical expertise, deep regulatory knowledge across the globe and an innovative solution portfolio that makes us a thought leader in supply chain traceability and compliance. Our experts have strong automotive, battery, energy and software implementation expertise across the Digital Thread and have been delivering traceability projects to organizations worldwide for decades. By connecting the entire supply chain, our Tracking & Tracing solutions provide real-time visibility across global value chains, harmonizing product information from raw material to end-of-life while meeting sustainability goals.

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