Written by Andrea Salerno

Dec 20, 2018

Quality Matters

Ask most manufacturers, and they will tell you that quality and quality control are main areas of focus for investing in technology on the plant floor. They will also tell you that quality control has always been a critical area of focus for them. After all, without proper management of the quality of a product as it is being made and/or the manufacturing process itself, products would not meet industry regulations to make it to market in a timely manner, worse they would not meet the consumers’ demands, or they would need to be reworked or remade leading to unsustainable production costs for the company. The list of negative and costly consequences of poor quality management goes on and on. So, quality matters.

New Trends in Quality for Industry 4.0

With the rise of Industry 4.0 and a more holistic approach to Digital Manufacturing in the industrial technology space, a new trend and approach to quality management is emerging. And not just in manufacturing. There is a growing recognition amongst all business decision-makers that the concept of quality management applies to every type of business, in every aspect of a business, and at all levels of an organization.

Companies are realizing that the word "quality" no longer just applies to the responsibilities of a department. Quality intelligence is extending beyond the manufacturing floor into the entire supply chain. Quality management approaches are being adopted in multiple areas of the business, where everyone is expected to be responsible for the quality of their own part of the process. The principles of quality management in all business processes are becoming the expectation, rather than the exception.

Extending Our Offering with QMS Professional

Our team has been following this trending topic and is excited to extend our existing partnership with Siemens PLM Software into the quality management realm. With an already established list of solutions and customer references in the Manufacturing Quality Control & SPC solution space, in the next years, our company has committed to growing an expert team to focus solely on the delivery of Siemens' leading quality solutions, specifically QMS Professional. This solution set focuses on the management of product and shop floor-driven quality requirements.

Siemens QMS Professional is a quality management system that enables organizations to safeguard compliance, optimize quality, reduce defect and rework costs, and achieve operational excellence by increasing process stability. Its integrated process capabilities (control charts, statistics, quality gates) can detect production errors to avoid further processing and shipment of nonconforming material. QMS is a process-oriented, modular system that supports the closed-loop quality product lifecycle, managing complexities for planning, control and monitoring of processes and corporate quality.

A Quality Outlook

As we begin to deep-dive into this new toolset and its powerful features, our Industries eXcellence team will leverage the capabilities of QMS Professional to enable our customers to achieve higher integration between quality processes, global user groups and manufacturers to suppliers. Engineering Industries eXcellence looks forward to embarking on this new journey to enhance and extend the power and scope of the full Digital Thread for Industry 4.0 to new and existing customers. Stay tuned for updates!

To learn more about Siemens QMS Professional, click here.

Interested in speaking to one of our quality experts? Contact us at