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Mar 26, 2016

Engineering Presents to Italian Delegation at MxD

Chicago, Illinois –

MxD (previously called DMDII, Digital Manufacturing and Design Innovation Institute), a federally-funded research and development organization of UI LABS, encourages factories across America to deploy digital manufacturing and design technologies, so those factories can become more efficient and cost-competitive. Working with partners in industry, academia, the nonprofit sector and government, MxD sponsors research projects in digital manufacturing and design, disseminates the lessons learned, and helps educate the workforce of tomorrow.

Last week, MxD hosted a forum and luncheon for a delegation of leading Italian government industrialists and companies. The event was in honor of the visit of Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi to Chicago; this was Prime Minister Renzi’s first stop in a four-day tour of the United States focused on trade issues between the U.S. and Italy. The trip, organized by the Innovation and Education Office of Confindustria and the Italian Trade Agency, aimed at creating an open forum to discuss how the Italian and U.S. governments could collaborate to promote the ideas of “Advanced Manufacturing” and “Factory 4.0” in the future.

Ettore Soldi, Managing Director for Engineering North America, which has been an active partner and sponsor of MxD since its foundation in 2014, presented at the event. During the speech, Ettore first introduced the sedApta Group. As of 2016, Engineering has been incorporated into the sedApta Group, an international group founded in 2014 and formed from the aggregation of top technology companies based in Italy, Germany, the United States and Brazil. Every company in the group is a leader in their industry sector. Together, the companies of the sedApta Group share over 25 years of experience in manufacturing IT and Supply Chain Management. Today, over 300 active customers in more than 20 countries and 10 industries rely on the Group’s products for the optimization of their Supply Chain and Manufacturing Operations.

During the presentation, Ettore also highlighted the benefits of the partnership between Engineering and MxD, especially related to the company mission to promote digital manufacturing. He highlighted the value of the MxD network and how the numerous technological partnerships forged from the organizations associated with the institute served as an important cornerstone to kickoff important digital manufacturing initiatives in the U.S. Engineering was honored to attend and present at the MxD event and looks forward to many more in the future.

To learn more about the MxD, visit their website.

To read the official press release, click here.

To read more about the Italian delegation’s official visit in Chicago, follow this link.