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Oct 27, 2014

Chicago, Illinois, USA -

Engineering is proud to announce that it has officially signed the DMDII membership agreement and joined a list of prestigious government associations, manufacturing companies, and technology partners sponsoring Chicago’s new Digital Manufacturing and Design Innovation Institute.

President Obama declared 2014 a year of action to boost advanced manufacturing, announcing the establishment of 2 new innovation institutes led by the Department of Defense and supported by a $140 million federal commitment. One of these institutes is the DMDII, or Digital Manufacturing and Design Innovation Institute, a world-class, first-of-its-kind manufacturing hub based in Chicago with the capabilities, innovative spirit and collaborative expertise to transform American manufacturing.

The DMDII will be the nation’s flagship research institute for applying cutting-edge digital technologies to reduce the time and cost of manufacturing, strengthen the capabilities of the U.S. supply chain, and reduce acquisition costs. The DMDII will both develop and demonstrate digital manufacturing technologies and deploy and commercialize these technologies across key manufacturing industries. Construction of the government-sponsored DMDII is set to begin on October 30th, 2014.

As a partner of this innovative institute and collaborative manufacturing initiative, Engineering will not only help fund DMDII and its work, but will participate in and contribute to many of its exciting digital manufacturing projects.

Stay tuned for updates on this new collaboration as we work to change the way American manufacturing works!

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