Written by Admin EngIndX

Dec 13, 2019

A Letter to Our Stakeholders

- From Michele Cinaglia, Chairman, and Paolo Pandozy, Chief Executive Officer, of Engineering Group

The integration of Corporate Social Responsibility into the policies, processes and activities of our company is an essential element to ensure the competitiveness and sustainability of our business. It is fundamental to provide a response to the long-term challenges of the new millennium and to create shared value with employees, customers, shareholders and citizens.

The Corporate Social Responsibility Report is prepared with the contribution of all company functions and is an occasion to strengthen our internal culture and tell the story of our approach to doing business as well as the results achieved in areas such as the management and enhancement of our people, doing business ethically, taking care of and satisfying our customers and suppliers, respect for the environment and support for the community through initiatives for social inclusion and support for cultural growth in the academic, scientific and artistic realms.

We also integrate sustainability into our business by designing and providing services to customers that have a positive impact on significant economic, social and environmental aspects in the Information Technology sector. Indeed, our business projects contribute to transforming the world in which we live and work, and which takes care of us across all areas of digital transformation: from e-government, Industry 4.0, Smart Cities and the environment, to the construction of suitable responses to the growing need of organizations to obtain tools and systems for digital healthcare, Cybersecurity and Security Intelligence.

These are just some of the sectors in which we are working on the front lines to contribute to our country’s growth and modernization, the most noble of challenges because it has to do with people’s well-being. This is why it is met in compliance with our Code of Ethics and, more generally, in keeping with all of those principles of responsibility which make our Group a point of reference on the market both in Italy and internationally.

Our experience gained in areas like Cybersecurity, the Internet of Things, Cloud Computing, Big Data, Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence and Robotic Process Automation has enabled us to bring solutions and applications to the market that are often crucial to support the digital evolution of the businesses and services making up the economic fabric of every sector: industry, banks and insurance, telecommunications and utilities, services, public administration and healthcare, both in Italy and abroad.

Over the last decade, the Engineering Group has boosted its economic and employment impact by roughly 65%, reaching a value of production of 1,180 million and employing 10,730 employees, 9,647 in Italy and 1,083 abroad, in addition to roughly 3,800 external professional resources who work with the Group on specific projects.

Today, Engineering is the Italian sector leader and plays a strategic role in the country’s development, supporting the missions of more than 1,000 customers, including businesses, organizations and public administration, with innovative services and sustainable solutions, thanks to ability to combine our well-established knowledge of their working processes with the opportunities provided by the most recent evolutions in technology.

This result has been possible thanks to the skills and quality of the work of our people, who are supported by the company with retention policies and structured paths for professional growth and continuous training, which translates into the continuous improvement of our professional competencies and the value of our human capital.

This is even more true for a company like ours, which since 1980 has dedicated a significant portion of its financial investments to research, which in the last year alone exceeded 40 million euros. Furthermore, thanks to an organizational structure with a team of 420 researchers and data scientists, and through a network of scientific and university partners throughout Europe, the Group is capable of making a broad array of proprietary solutions available to its customers, which from year to year also increase the value of our intellectual capital.

These are just some of the topics dealt with in the 2018 Corporate Social Responsibility Report, which describes not only the many areas in which we work, but also our commitment to building a future that will make sense only if reached by taking a responsible path of development.

Engineering Group: Corporate Profile

Founded in 1980 as a software house ready to take on the challenge of being an IT business, with an Italian mind and heart but a multinational reach, today the Engineering Group is one of the main players in the digital transformation of public and private companies and organizations, with $1.3 billion in revenue and 10,730 professionals spread across more than 60 offices in Italy, Belgium, Germany, Norway, the Republic of Serbia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Argentina, Brazil and the U.S.

Its leadership, achieved not only in Italy but also in international markets, is derived from its capacity to design, develop and manage innovative solutions for the business areas where digitalization is having the biggest impact, including Digital Finance, Smart Government & E-Health, Augmented City, Digital Industry, Smart Energy & Utilities, Digital Telco & Multimedia. Italy represents the main reference market, with 88% of revenues earned in the Industry, Transport, Telecommunications, Utilities, Finance, Public Administration and Healthcare sectors, while 12% of its turnover is generated through activities carried out in more than 20 countries worldwide. The Group can count on a well-established base of roughly 1,000 customers.

The Group’s objective is to contribute to changing how the world lives and works, combining a proprietary infrastructure par excellence in Cloud Computing, which relies on 4 Data Centers located in Italy in Pont-Saint-Martin (AO), Turin, Milan and Vicenza, with specialized expertise across all of the most advanced digital technologies: Artificial Intelligence, Advanced Data Analytics, Cybersecurity, Robotics, the Digital Twin, IoT, Blockchain.

With significant investments in R&D, Engineering plays a leading role in research, coordinating 80 national and international projects thanks to a team of 420 researchers and data scientists and a network of academic partners and universities throughout Europe. The Company thus solidifies its leadership in the field of research and development and its capacity to make a rich offer of proprietary solutions available to its customers. In this manner, Engineering brings innovation to customers' business processes, sharing with them not only its know-how, but a particular key capable of opening the door to their future.

One of the Group’s key strategic assets is its employees’ know-how, to whose training it has dedicated a multidisciplinary School which has provided more than 21,000 days of training to employees and customers in the last year.

To download our complete global Corporate Social Responsibility Report for 2018, click here.

To learn more about the Engineering Group, visit