Written by Dan Grabowski

Feb 6, 2023

About the Customer

Engineering Industries eXcellence is proud to have contributed our Design Automation services and expertise to a monumental NASA spacecraft launch, a mission that aims to return astronauts to the moon. Our customer for this project is a U.S. battery manufacturer that designs capsule batteries for military aircraft and spacecraft. For this project, we helped the customer deliver a complex battery system that was critical to providing power to the NASA spacecraft and ensuring the safety of the crew.

The Customer’s Need

For over 80 years, the customer has been a leading producer of battery cells and energetic devices serving mission-critical aerospace, defense and aviation markets. For this NASA mission, the customer was tasked with manufacturing an extremely complex battery cell and system, which involved meeting strict requirements for size, weight and temperature, and testing the system through each stage of production. Given the importance of the NASA mission and its constantly evolving needs, the customer sought support from Design Automation experts with niche technical expertise in aerospace and battery manufacturing. As a long-standing solution implementation partner, Engineering Industries eXcellence was the customer’s go-to design consultant for this battery system project.

  • Complex battery system design and manufacturing process
  • Strict requirements for battery size, weight and temperature
  • Evolving project needs

About the Project

Using the customer’s standard 3D battery models as a starting point, Design Automation experts from Engineering Industries eXcellence created a model battery system and instructions on how to build it. Next, the battery system was manufactured at the customer’s plant, where our experts conducted on-site structural and thermal analyses. In design reviews with the customer and key stakeholders, our specialists presented their findings and modified the model for optimal performance. Over the course of the entire project, the battery system was re-designed and manufactured four times, as NASA’s requirements for size, weight and temperature were frequently changing.

  • Battery system model design
  • On-site structural and thermal analyses
  • Optimized battery performance

Engineering’s Advantage

Engineering Industries eXcellence was the customer’s first choice for this battery system project because of our unmatched technical expertise in aerospace and battery manufacturing, our extensive Design Automation capabilities and our persistent, can-do attitude towards complexity. Thanks to our specialists' hard work and dedication throughout this lengthy design process, the customer was able to deliver a powerful battery system, and NASA celebrated a successful rocket launch. Engineering Industries eXcellence is proud to be part of such a historic event, and we will continue to contribute our services and expertise for mankind’s next giant leap.

  • Aerospace design & manufacturing expertise
  • Battery design & manufacturing expertise
  • Extensive Design Automation capabilities
  • Determined approach to complexity

Interested in speaking to one of our experts? Contact us at