AREA & DMDII’s 2nd Annual Augmented Reality Workshop


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In February, the AREA (Augmented Reality for Enterprise Alliance) and DMDII (Digital Manufacturing and Design Innovation Institute) hosted their annual workshop focused on the future of Augmented Reality (AR) in the industrial setting at UI LABS Innovation Center in Chicago. As a partner of DMDII since its inception, Engineering Industries eXcellence's expert team supported the event together with partner OverIT, a leader in Field Management and Augmented Reality technology solutions for the industrial setting. Our table at the technology expo showcased the latest in our offering for Manufacturing Simulation, Virtual Commissioning and Augmented Reality. The event was a big success for all participants. To learn more, contact us:

Full Video Script

Matt Scanlan: Hi everyone. My name is Matt Scanlan. I'm the Manufacturing Engineering Practice Manager. And we're here today to talk about augmented reality and virtual reality within the manufacturing technology space. So augmented reality and virtual reality is an emerging technology, something you may have heard of before in the news or seen in the mall, looking at new gadgets. But it's actually becoming a bigger presence within the manufacturing space.
Amanda Quick: Hi, my name is Amanda Quick. I am the Director of Program Design here at DMDII. Today we are hosting the DMDII and AREA Augmented Reality Event. The event is really designed to bring together both industry and AR solution providers to have an open and transparent conversation about what are the needs of augmented reality, both from a hardware and software perspective, to advance adoption of augmented reality, particularly in a manufacturing or industrial setting.
Mark Sage: Hi, my name is Mark Sage. I'm the Executive Director at the AREA, which stands for Augmented Reality Enterprise Alliance. AREA is the only global membership-funded, non-profit alliance focusing on helping the adoption of enterprise AR. And we're doing that by creating a comprehensive ecosystem. So we're here today in Chicago with the DMDII at the second augmented reality workshop. We've been focusing today on developing a set of use cases and requirements for augmented reality. It's been a great event. It's been really interactive. Lots of organizations here. The DMDII has been a great partner of the AREA, helping us organize it, bringing in some real experts, and, so far, it's been a really, really great event.
Matt Scanlan: So we're working with a lot of customers that are very interested in seeing where this technology is going. A lot of our customers today are forming digital manufacturing groups. So they understand that there's a lot of value in digital manufacturing and they want to see where this technology is going. And one of the areas that we're getting a lot of interest in is augmented reality and virtual reality devices. Some of our customers are working in manufacturing or maintenance work where having hands free environments is going to be important to them. So, not having to go to terminal or not having to work on tablets, but being able to do their job and have augmented reality, having information displayed to them through some sort of headset or glass device is very beneficial for them. We're seeing more and more customers in more industries getting interested in this type of technology to help them with very specific use cases, very specific areas where they see this need as a good fit for them.
Felipe Jung: Hello, my name is Felipe Jung. I'm the Regional Sales Manager for OverIT. Here at AREA, we are showcasing SPACE 1, which is our augmented reality product. It's a suite of products. We're focusing on manufacturing and maintenance, and we're very happy to bring this awareness to all the players here at this event. And we're looking forward to following up!

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