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Oct 8, 2018

Growth of Electronics & Semiconductor Manufacturing

In the USA, Engineering Industries eXcellence’s work in the area of electronic and semiconductor manufacturing is growing significantly. As the electronics industry continues to explode, we are seeing more and more electronic components everywhere, in all types of products and across all industry sectors. For example, there are more electronic components in an average car today than there were in an F-18 fighter jet manufactured in the 1990s. Simply put, there is no manufacturing sector today that does not somehow involve or rely on electronics in either their manufacturing processes or for their end product or both. It is no surprise, then, that this industry is becoming more strategic for system integrators like us promoting digital transformation and delivering complete digital manufacturing solutions.

The Business Drivers

This industry poses new challenges that must be handled, as it is very different from the type of manufacturing (e.g. assembly and part-piece) in which we have decades of experience. Customers need to manage:

  • High complexity of product and process
  • High speed of the manufacturing process
  • High volume of components that must be handled during production
  • High level of precision required 
  • Different protocols for tracking/managing materials and process

The Outlook

As more and more of our customers are asking us for help in this area, we are committed to shifting our focus to this industry, investing in it and growing our expertise in the coming years. We are already working with some of our biggest Aerospace & Defense and Heavy Machinery Manufacturing customers in the U.S. to develop and implement digital solutions to improve their electronics manufacturing processes and products.

We will continue to expand our existing partnerships with some of the top manufacturing technology and software providers in the world. We are building new partnerships with leading experts in digital solutions for Electronic/Semiconductor Manufacturing in order to augment our product portfolio and what we can offer to our customers to cover this critical area.

The Impact

This is an exciting new initiative for our division, dedicated to guiding companies along their digital transformation journeys towards Industry 4.0. While we have not done much in this space in the past, we are dedicated to investing and growing this into an area of expertise for our team, because we believe it is going to be a strategic area of growth for our business in the future. More importantly, growing our expertise and offering in this space will be of critical importance to our customers, who rely on our digital solutions to stay competitive and deliver the highest quality product to their consumer.

Interested in speaking to one of our experts about our solutions for Electronics and Semiconductor Manufacturing? Contact us at