Written by Brian Soble

Nov 21, 2014

Engineering recently delivered a full installation of the complete Siemens PLM platform, centering on Teamcenter, to the Commonwealth Center for Advanced Manufacturing (CCAM) in Virginia.

As a manufacturing research hub, CCAM wanted a cutting-edge PLM platform with which to centralize and more tightly manage the data of their various research projects. They wanted their research infrastructure to showcase the capabilities of world-class Manufacturing IT.

Engineering started by setting up a full, enterprise-level installation of Teamcenter at CCAM. This included setting up the base modules, as well as advanced components such as NX and Teamcenter Client Management through scripting, and Single Sign On (SSO) for streamlined IT operations. We also helped CCAM define appropriate data security rules around which to configure Teamcenter.

The next step was the addition of Shop Floor Connect, the Siemens DNC solution integrated to Teamcenter. Engineering installed the software and connected all of the available CNC machines and industrial robots to the system. In addition to managing CNC and robotics programs in Teamcenter, CCAM Researchers could now transfer them both directly to their equipment.

Engineering also configured the Teamcenter integrations to Siemens CAM and Robotics software.

Researchers in CNC Machining use NX by Siemens for their CAM projects. Engineering configured the NX integration to Teamcenter, so that all CAM data generated by NX, including NC programs, is automatically sent to Teamcenter.

Robotics Researchers use Process Simulate, a module in the Siemens Tecnomatix suite, for robotic process simulation and validation. Engineering configured the Process Simulate integration to Teamcenter, so that all Process Simulate data is now also launched from, and managed within, Teamcenter.

The result is a complete solution, with Teamcenter seamlessly tying together the many offerings of Siemens’ industrial software.

About CCAM

The Commonwealth Center for Advanced Manufacturing (CCAM) is an applied research center that bridges the gap between fundamental research typically performed at universities and product development routinely performed by companies. CCAM accelerates the transition of research from the laboratory to commercial use.

CCAM is the only collaboration of its kind in North America, and it promises its member companies significant business benefits. By pooling resources to pursue university research authorized by member companies, CCAM increases the value of the R&D dollar. R&D risks and costs are shared by members – away from live production floors – and research results are shared with all members, allowing each company to capitalize on new, breakthrough developments that emerge from CCAM research.

CCAM transforms applied research into business advantages. It brings together best-in-class manufacturers and Virginia’s flagship research institutions to collaborate and deliver new “production-ready” solutions to factories. It’s a game changer, and it will turn ideas into profit faster and more affordably than ever before.

To learn more about CCAM, visit their website: