A leader in enterprise application software, SAP helps companies of all sizes and in all industries run better by redefining processes and creating networks of intelligent enterprises that provide transparency, resiliency and sustainability across supply chains. SAP’s Digital Supply Chain division is dedicated to technologies designed to help companies meet specific supply chain needs: from balancing supply and demand in real-time, to creating smart, digitally connected supply chains, to transforming for the digital economy. Engineering Industries eXcellence is recognized as a long-standing global SAP partner and strategic advisor for supply chain transformation. We have been awarded SAP Recognized Expertise designations for Healthcare and Pharmaceuticals.

Products: SAP Advanced Track and Trace for Pharmaceuticals (SAP ATTP), SAP Corporate Serialization (SAP CorS), SAP Business Network for Logistics (SAP BN4L), SAP Object Event Repository (SAP OER), SAP Auto-ID Infrastructure (SAP AII), SAP Event Management (SAP EM), SAP Global Batch Traceability (SAP GBT), SAP Digital Manufacturing (SAP DM, SAP DMi, SAP DMe), SAP Manufacturing Execution (SAP ME), SAP Manufacturing Integration & Intelligence (SAP MII), SAP Analytics Cloud, SAP Field Service Management (SAP FSM), SAP Intelligent Asset Management (SAP AIN, SAP ASPM, SAP PAI, SAP Asset Manager), SAP Plant Maintenance (SAP PM), SAP Customer Service (SAP CS), SAP IS-U (utilities), SAP Project Systems (SAP PS), SAP Multi Resource Scheduling (SAP MRS), SAP Extended Warehouse Management (SAP EWM), SAP Stock Room Management, SAP Warehouse Management (SAP WM), SAP Inventory Management (SAP MM-IM), SAP Capital Project Engineering Managment (SAP CaPEM)

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