Webinar: OT Cybersecurity Toolkit for Industry 4.0

Written by Admin EngIndX

Event Details


June 23rd 2021 11:00 AM CDT - June 23rd 2021 11:45 AM CDT


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Join Engineering Industries eXcellence, Claroty and Siemens Government Technologies online to learn how our OT cybersecurity solutions can help industrial enterprises identify, protect, detect, respond to and recover from cyber threats and attacks.

Join Our Webinar: How Secure is Your Plant?

How Can You Reap the Benefits of Digital Transformation without the Risks?

What Do You Need to Ensure the Security of Your Industrial Control Systems?

Identify, Protect, Detect, Respond & Recover with Engineering Industries eXcellence, Claroty and Siemens Technologies!

As industrial plants become increasingly digitalized and connected, the security of their networks and infrastructures is becoming more important. If your plant’s systems and Internet of Things (IoT) assets are not being monitored and managed in a secure way, you are playing with fire.

  1. Where should you begin in order to assess the security of your industrial control systems?
  2. What should you prioritize when it comes to the cybersecurity of your Operational Technology (OT)?
  3. What tools are out there to help you gain the upper hand against the elusive cyber threat world?

These are questions that every industrial enterprise should be asking when it comes to cybersecurity, and we want to help manufacturers find the answers they need. Join Engineering Industries eXcellence along with partners Claroty and Siemens Government Technologies for a 45-minute webinar in order to explore our comprehensive OT cybersecurity toolkit aimed to help industrial organizations digitalize and reap the benefits of Industry 4.0, all while continuously mitigating potential risks and threats at the same time.

In Our Webinar Toolkit: Claroty

Identify, Protect Against & Detect Cyber Threats

Claroty OT Cybersecurity Platform
Claroty OT Cybersecurity Platform

Effective industrial cybersecurity starts with knowing what needs to be secured. The Claroty platform arms you with this knowledge by revealing and contextualizing 100% of your network’s contents including its most invisible or poorly understood contents. The result is a centralized, easy-to-manage and always up-to-date inventory of all OT, IoT, and Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) assets, processes and connectivity paths in your network, as well as definitive insight into what normal looks like.

  • Claroty provides full visibility into OT assets, network sessions and operational processes
  • Claroty profiles all your assets, communications and processes in OT environments in order to establish behavioral baselines
  • Claroty continuously monitors OT security and integrity with engines for anomaly detection, security behaviors, known threats, operational behaviors and custom rules
  • Claroty identifies threats (firmware, operating system, model, vendor and rack slot) by correlating the latest Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) data against a Claroty-managed database of insecure protocols and other security weaknesses
  • Claroty assesses the risk level, priority, root cause and likeliest attack vectors of every abnormal event and communicates this information to triage and mitigation

In Our Webinar Toolkit: SIBERprotect™

Respond To & Recover From Cyber Threats

Siemens SIBERprotect Cyber Response System
Siemens SIBERprotect™ Cyber Response System

From Siemens Government Technologies, the SIBERprotect™ platform picks up the baton once a vulnerability or event has been identified by Claroty in the OT environment. SIBERprotect™ turns threat intelligence and other relevant activity (alarms, statuses) into cyberphysical action at machine speed. Benefits include enhanced protection of critical operational and backup resources, and enhanced OT cybersecurity situational awareness.

  • SIBERprotect™ is “OT aware” and analyzes threats at the OT protocol level
  • SIBERprotect™ uses OT automation technology to respond to cyber threats in real time
  • In addition to network responses to a security threat, SIBERprotect™ takes physical protective actions to protect the running OT equipment
  • SIBERprotect™ provides immediate notification of a security threat to the OT space using lights, sound and messaging
  • SIBERprotect™ operates with multiple threat detection solutions simultaneously to increase the probability of attack detection
  • SIBERprotect™ can interact with the IT area and issue an immediate response to protect the OT area when IT has a threat

Join Our Webinar

A leader in all things Industry 4.0, Engineering Industries eXcellence is proud to host this webinar. Our Engineering Industries eXcellence experts work with manufacturing and transportation organizations of all shapes and sizes worldwide to help them define what Industry 4.0 means to them and what they need to do in order to achieve their vision. As a strategic system integrator and industry-recognized solution provider for both Claroty and Siemens, Engineering Industries eXcellence continues to be their preferred service and solution partner for industrial cybersecurity in North America. This webinar will include live demos of the Claroty OT Cybersecurity Platform and the Siemens SIBERprotect™ Cyber Response System. Q&A with our experts will end the session.

  • Engineering Industries eXcellence’s digital security team has expertise across both IT and OT environments
  • Engineering Industries eXcellence’s business and operational process knowledge across different industrial sectors enables us to build and optimize cybersecurity solutions based on each customer’s needs
  • Engineering Industries eXcellence has a unique OT cybersecurity offering and implementation methodology that covers the 5 pillars of NIST - confidentiality, integrity, availability, authenticity and non-repudiation of user data
  • Engineering Industries eXcellence is a market Leader in industrial digital transformation with knowledge of the end-to-end spectrum of design, simulation, manufacturing and optimization technologies
  • Engineering Industries eXcellence’s team can easily manage and integrate all the best-of-breed solutions for industrial cybersecurity

If you would like to view the webinar recording, please contact us at info@indx.com.

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